The latest national autumn progress map is released! See when Miss Qiu will come to your house.

  China Weather Network News Under the successive cold air attacks, China has started the transformation of summer and autumn seasons from north to south. As of September 18, many places in the north have entered autumn, and some areas in Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and Qinghai have even entered winter, while most areas in Jiangnan and South China have just got rid of the high temperature and heat, still looking like summer. China Weather Network has launched the latest national autumn progress map in 2019. Come and see if Miss Qiu has come to your home.

  It is winter when autumn comes to a few areas in the north.

  According to Wang Weiyue, a meteorologist of China Weather Network, as of September 18th, many places in northern China have entered the ranks of autumn, especially in northeastern Inner Mongolia, northern Heilongjiang, northern Tibet, northern and southern Qinghai, and parts of Xinjiang, and even entered winter.

  However, there are still some areas in the north that are under the influence of summer. For example, the northwest of Shandong, including Jinan, has entered autumn, but the east and south of Shandong are still in summer. Cities such as Shijiazhuang and Tianjin are not in autumn at present, but one foot has passed the threshold of autumn, and autumn is just around the corner.

  Jiangnan and South China are still in summer and autumn, and it needs to wait until October.

  Compared with the north, southern Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, southern China, most of Jianghan and southern Yunnan are still firmly controlled in summer. However, with the southward movement of cold air around 18-20, the temperature in many areas in the south also drops, which may even make people feel cool in the morning and evening, but it is only cool. It is still very difficult to enter autumn.

  From the distribution of autumn in 1981-2010, the autumn in Jiangnan and northern South China was in October, while the autumn in southern South China was even after November. Generally speaking, the pace of autumn was still far away from Jiangnan and South China.

  The standard of entering autumn is very strict, and the calculation is very complicated

  Meteorologically, there is a strict definition of the standard for entering autumn. The standard is that when the 5-day moving average temperature in a certain place is less than 22℃ for five consecutive days, the first date less than 22℃ is taken as the start date of autumn.

  Wang Weiyue explained that the average temperature of a day is the average of the temperatures at 02: 00, 08: 00, 14: 00 and 20: 00 on that day, while the average of the 5-day sliding temperature is the average of the average temperature of the day and the average temperature of the previous 4 days. For example, the average of the 5-day sliding temperature on September 18 is the average of the five days from September 14 to 18. Only when the average of the 5-day sliding temperature of a region for five consecutive days is less than 22 C can this be determined. (Planning/Zhang Hanxi Data Support/Wang Weiyue Design/Luo Jiaxue Audit/Liu Jun Hu Xiao Liu Hongxin)

Miscellaneous Essay | Looking forward to singing and dancing dancing on CCTV’s "Lantern Festival"

□ zhang yi
Recently, it has been discovered that many children from the media short video platform are playing tricks and selling cute, and even intentionally take scripts written by adults to educate adults in the opposite direction to love their wives and honor the elderly. On the whole, oral literature and static "performance" are the mainstay, which is noisy and generally quiet. However, there are some short videos that are very exciting. For example, in Shanwei, Guangdong Province, a girl came on stage to perform Tiger and Lion Boxing, which was powerful and full of gas. In singing and dancing, Chaoshan area, there are hordes of seven or eight-year-old children in front, seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys behind, which is very spectacular, and there is a singing and dancing performance team composed of special little girls.
This masculine and dynamic cultural form itself allows people to see the spirit of contemporary teenagers and deeply feel that "the country is strong when young people are strong" and there is hope for the future.
One yin and one yang is called Tao. This is true for individuals, and so is culture, which has nothing to do with gender itself. One hundred and forty thousand people are disarmed, and none of them is a man? The masculinity of a nation is righteousness, backbone, courage and awe-inspiring. This thing is related to the backbone and vigor, and everyone should have it, regardless of men, women and children. With this spirit, personality will not be reconciled, life will have temperature, and society will be sunny enough. Hua Mulan, She Taijun, Mu Guiying, Liang Hongyu, Qiu Jin, Liu Hulan, Jiang Zhujun, Yue Fei, Xin Qiji, Yu Qian, Wen Tianxiang, Chen Tianhua, Yang Jingyu, and Huang Jiguang made us full of passion and tears, just because they had such a spirit. Only with this spirit, can we have a vision pattern of swallowing Wan Li like a tiger, a great love and kindness that everything is ready for me, and a courage to walk the world with my head held high. If you wriggle there every day, feel sorry for yourself, be selfish, paint your face, and be beautiful, how can there be thousands of beautiful rivers and mountains and fireworks?
When people talk about "northerners and southerners", they are not the north and south in the geographical sense, but the yin and yang in the personality state; When people of insight find that femininity "goes north" and masculinity "goes south", they are not talking about new differences in regional culture, but that femininity in northern culture is getting stronger and stronger, while masculinity in southern culture is getting stronger and stronger, which is concentrated in cultural landscapes, especially tourist scenes. Such obvious differences in cultural personality or cultural performance style may be a major topic worthy of careful study. Cultural self-confidence is essentially an innate sense of pride, which has little to do with memorizing hundreds of Tang poems. How many people have read books for decades, and their minds are full of "Zi Yue Shi Yun" plus "Joyce, Novalis, Marquez, Borges", and the famous aphorisms about integrity and courage and integrity are memorized, but they have no courage to go back to the village to give money to their relatives and followers. If you can’t live a good life with your eyes twinkling and people bowing, how can you be masculine?
In the Tao Te Ching, it is said that "everything is done without care, without it, it is not to rely on it, but to live a life that is unnatural, natural and daring to be natural". Everyone should live proudly, be rich, have a hand, be talented, have food, be beautiful, have a cat, have a land, have a brother … Be proud of what you have, and be confident in what you have. Isn’t this masculinity coming? So you don’t have to be short all the time? Don’t blame the world for being too snobbish, but it’s always not masculine at heart. This is true for adults, especially for teenagers. In the English Lion Dance Team or singing and dancing, boys and girls are full of masculinity and smiling, and no one in the team looks depressed because they failed in the final exam or attended a vocational school. Go outdoors more, run and jump more, fight more, take part in some cultural activities with strong action, take advantage of "youth", watch more "martial arts dramas" with hands and feet all by strength, and watch less literary dramas with intrigue all by acting skills, which is good for your health, good mood and future. It would be great if singing and dancing danced on CCTV and had a "Lantern Festival" with the audience, especially the children who are facing school anxiety.

Carrots and sticks, can you stop the child from jumping off the bridge next time?

  CCTV News:(Reporter Kang Yanlong, Sun Xiaoyuan and Li Shanshan) "I often doubt myself. I worry about how to educate my children almost every day, and I wander between pampering my children and being strict every day."

  "After losing my temper with my child, I actually knew immediately in my heart that I was venting my emotions. The child didn’t do it to the point where I needed it. I was bullying the small."

  "I am also a parent with trepidation. If I have more education, I am afraid that my children will be disgusted. If I have less education, I am afraid that I will delay my children for a lifetime. Every day, I am entangled and embarrassed."

  … …

  The tragedy of a 17-year-old boy jumping off a bridge has caused countless parents to reflect on family education. Left or right? It doesn’t seem that simple.

  "What’s the use of raising you?"

  "I have paid so much, can’t you even study hard?"

  "Do you know how embarrassed I am in front of other parents? I can’t wait to find a crack in the ground. "

  "What’s the use of raising you?"

  When she is particularly angry, she will point her finger at her son and scream hysterically "You are a loser".

  This scene may have happened to you, or it may be happening around you.

  Ling is the mother of two children. The eldest son is 13 years old and is in junior high school. Children have just entered primary school. "Poor academic performance, what future can there be in the future?" In the education of children, she often asks herself this question over and over again.

  It took her more than twenty years to go out from a village with only a dozen people in the depths of the Qinling Mountains.

  When I was a child, I didn’t have enough food, no clothes to wear, and I couldn’t take a bath once a year. I had to go a long way to fetch water from the river … … The 39-year-old mother doesn’t want to talk about the hardships she suffered in her childhood.

  Although she has settled down in the city now, the three labels of countryside, poverty and women have already been deeply intertwined and finally penetrated into her daily life of educating the next generation.

  In the eyes of this stay-at-home mother who didn’t go to school much, her children can only have a way out in the future if they study. But it was also the problem of reading that eventually became an irreconcilable contradiction between her and her son.

  When she is so thrifty and even harsh on herself that two dollars of face oil and ten dollars of lipstick have to be repeatedly entangled in whether it is necessary to buy them, she is still willing to spend thousands of dollars to enroll her children in various remedial classes. But when she pinned all her hopes on her children, she found that their academic performance was always ranked at the bottom of the class, which made her very collapsed and angry.

  In severe cases, "poor study" will almost become the fuse of all the contradictions between her and her children.

  "I’m a teenager, and I can’t hold chopsticks well?" "Don’t drink soup when eating, but drink water?" "So big, can’t even walk well?"

  Even when her younger brother was pushed down while playing, she would be furious. "If you don’t study well, even your younger brother can’t protect you?"

  Her son’s academic performance is like a nail firmly nailed to her heart, pulling her sensitive nerves from time to time and reducing her weak sense of security.

  If you don’t study hard, you won’t be able to get ahead in the future, and you won’t even find a decent job. In the family education relationship, she has always been at the strong end, with her only life experience, irrefutably planning the future for her children. Until her son began to resist, she threatened with a knife, and her son ran away from home. She was anxious to call the police.

  She once thought that after giving birth to a second child, her attention could be slightly shifted, but the reality was not entirely the case. The boss’s educational model unconsciously began to repeat itself on the second child.

  "I also know that he likes street dance, but what can I do?"

  With my mother here, even a bridge that high will be kicked over!

  Xiaoying in junior high school is also a naughty child. Looking back on more than ten years ago, even he himself feels "so annoying! I was really disobedient at that time! "

  It is common to not listen to lectures, be criticized by teachers, and find parents. Once in trouble, the teacher really couldn’t stand it. She left a small photo in the classroom to reflect, but forgot his existence after school. "I was alone in the classroom, but I was so stubborn at that time that I stayed alone until ten o’clock in the evening."

  In the dark and quiet teachers, I can only hear my anger: "I want to die in the classroom like this and let the whole class see my body tomorrow." Until a flash of lightning, accompanied by a familiar call, lit up the classroom.

  "I suddenly realized that if I really did that, tomorrow, in addition to the onlookers of the whole class and the whole school teachers, there must be my mother and my father in the crowd, and their grief is beyond my imagination." Realizing this, Xiaoying’s heartbreaking cry resounded through the classroom. A boy cried like this, "The loud cry made my mother kick the classroom door crazily."

  The next day, because of the teacher’s forgetfulness, my angry mother came out of the dean’s office and walked out without looking back, leaving a cold message to the dean and the deputy dean and the headmaster who heard the news: "I am waiting for the news from your school, hoping to satisfy me."

  This sentence, even after more than ten years, is still deeply imprinted in Xiaoying’s mind.

  "My parents are still very strict with my education, but their definition of strictness is not ‘ Anger ’ 、‘ Scold ’ Instead, it is based on reasoning. " Afterwards, my mother gave Xiaoying a particularly heavy punishment for violating classroom discipline.

  "I rarely make personal attacks on me. When I am wrong, I just get angry and lose my temper. I will never say something like how I gave birth to something like you." In Xiaoying’s mind, the mother clearly knows how to educate her children. "There is no excessive doting, nor is it too strict."


The 17-year-old boy jumped off the bridge and his mother collapsed in pain. (Video screenshot)

  After many years, recalling this incident, Xiaoying felt that she didn’t jump off the bridge at that time. First, because there was no such high bridge at that time, and then, "with my mother, even if there was such a high bridge, she would kick him over." Xiaoying has always been glad to have such a mother, and the more she grows up, the stronger this feeling becomes.

  "As parents, we should not only use a certain fixed way to educate our children, but should combine several ways to make sense and let them know ‘ Reason ’ , guide children to know ‘ Thinking ’ A rough way is also good, which can let children know what is ‘ Fear ’ 。” Nowadays, Xiaoying has entered the society and established a family. "Although there is no great promise," she thinks that her world outlook and values are very positive.

  Exhausted or powerless.

  "It’s almost 16 years old! I don’t know anything at all. I will talk back with a little criticism. As for learning, I don’t care at all. " When talking about her son in the third grade, He Yan showed a kind of helplessness in her words.

  Being playful, tired of learning and rebellious became He Yan’s direct evaluation of his son. In He Yan’s eyes, the son who immediately faced the senior high school entrance examination did not take the initiative to read books and do homework, but went to his uncle’s house to watch movies online when he had time. I’m not afraid of losing my temper, and I don’t listen to reason. "Maybe I’m too used to him since I was a child, and now I basically ignore what I said."

  At first, his son secretly took his mobile phone to play games, but He Yan didn’t care too much. When his son neglected to study because of the game, He Yan began to panic. She never leaves her mobile phone, for fear of being "stolen", but her son picks up the old one and even borrows it from relatives.

  Finally, He Yan was forced to "warn" relatives, "Don’t let the children touch the mobile phone again, or I will turn my face." Although after a series of wits, the child did not play games much, but He Yan felt that the child’s mind was still not put into learning.

  He Yan hopes that his son can get into a good university. For his academic performance, all the training courses such as mathematics and English are arranged. During the winter and summer vacations, his sister who went to college came to tutor, and even quit her job last year to take care of her son who is about to take the entrance examination. Looking at my son’s exam results now, I am really angry: "In my opinion, he is not attentive and his mind is not focused on his studies."

  "If you don’t work hard now, I’m afraid you won’t even get into high school, let alone college!" The anxiety in He Yan’s speech is very obvious.

  Last winter vacation, the child insisted on going to his grandmother’s house in the country, but his father strongly disagreed. Under the dispute, he beat the child and the child ran away from home. At that time, I didn’t care too much, thinking that he went to my uncle’s house not far from home. "As a result, I called my brother at midnight to know that he didn’t go, and we panicked."

  He Yan and her husband began to search all over the county, fearing that something would happen. "At that time, I really regretted hitting him." I searched almost the whole county, found someone in front of a bank ATM at five o’clock in the morning, and spent a whole night in the cold wind. After finding the child, He Yan cried unwillingly.

  "Forcing him is also good for him. Why is such a big child not obedient at all?"

  Since her son left home last year, He Yan has also begun to reflect on her education methods. Seeing that the day of the senior high school entrance examination is getting closer and closer, she has also begun to encourage him slowly. "Sometimes the more she blames, the more rebellious she becomes."

  My daughter hit someone when she was in kindergarten. "I was so surprised!"

  "Now many parents are more concerned about how their children learn and whether they can get into a good university in the future, but they don’t pay enough attention to their psychological development. Even if there are some problems sometimes, parents will not deal with them in time for various reasons until the problems happen. "

  As a parent who has studied psychology, Zhang Ronglin pays more attention to her daughter’s personality development than her academic performance. "The most important thing is kindness, and I hope she will be healthy and happy."


 At her daughter’s request, Zhang Ronglin dictated to her daughter.

  Zhang Ronglin used to be an auditor. He traveled a lot and didn’t have much time to spend with his children. Before the children went to primary school, he was also anxious, and his problems with children were simple and rude. When her daughter went to kindergarten, the careful father found a particularly serious problem with her daughter.

  In an open class, my daughter hit a child around her and asked her why she hit someone. "Did the child treat you?" She said, no, it’s just that a good friend she likes hit people, so she also hit them. "I was so surprised,"

  It may also be because of anxiety, but this beating problem shows, "My daughter doesn’t have her own independent personality. She always likes to run behind other children’s asses, whatever other children do." After the children went to primary school, Zhang Ronglin felt that he couldn’t wait any longer. He quit his auditing job and became a full-time father.

  "If we can effectively accompany our children during their growth, we can have a better understanding of their personality characteristics and the way and ability to deal with problems. Once children encounter emotional troubles, it is easy for us to find ways to ease them."

  At this stage of primary school, mothers will occasionally accompany their children to do homework. "My principle is that if children need us, we are there. If children don’t need us, we won’t interfere too much." Compared with academic performance, what makes Zhang Ronglin more headache is her daughter’s study and living habits, especially some life details, for example, "My daughter doesn’t drink much water all day."

  Zhang Ronglin thought of many ways to help her daughter cultivate good living habits and independent personality, and also specially developed a tool to pay attention to children’s growth. In fact, after years of practice, "I found that compared with the formation of those habits. The relationship with children and parent-child communication mode are more important. "

  Every weekend, my father will organize a family meeting, set a certain theme, let my daughter speak, exercise her expressive ability, ask my parents what to do and what my grandparents do for a certain matter. In addition to being the organizer of the meeting, dad is also the recorder of the whole family. At each meeting, he summarizes which family members have performed well and which need to be improved.

  My daughter will make mistakes no matter how good she is. "I will control my emotions first, and then I will understand what she has experienced and what I need to do." On the basis of understanding the situation, find an appropriate time to guide. " When a child has different opinions, "I will listen to her thoughts first. As long as it doesn’t involve personal safety and things that affect others, I will generally respect her opinions."

  Recently, my daughter had another situation in class similar to that in kindergarten, because her good friend took the lead in slandering her classmates, and her daughter followed suit, which caused some harm to her classmates. After Zhang Rong Lin learned about the situation in many ways, when he picked up his daughter from school, his father, who had always been gentle, suddenly became particularly strict. "At least I showed it like this, let the children know that dad’s attitude is very clear in this matter." My daughter was scared at that time, too. Later, she took the initiative to confess this matter and finally apologized to her classmates.

  In terms of praise, Zhang Ronglin is more stingy. "I generally don’t praise her for how much she has achieved, but I affirm her commitment to this matter." Recently, the dance troupe of my daughter’s school took part in a dance competition. After half a year’s rehearsal, the school and teachers were very satisfied with the children’s performance. "I was very touched after watching it at the scene. However, after the end, I just encouraged her a few words, saying that she has made a lot of efforts in what she likes. "

  There are no perfect parents and no perfect children. On the education of children, parents are not only parents, but also half teachers, half psychological counselors, half doctors and half orderlies … … Children need to grow up, so do parents?

  At the request of the interviewee, Aling, Xiaoying and He Yan are pseudonyms.

In the next three days, the temperature in the north will fluctuate obviously, and the rain and snow in the south will reduce the sunshine and return.

  Cctv newsAccording to China Weather Network, in the next three days (February 25th to 27th), cold air will affect our country more frequently, but it can’t stop the general trend of warming up. The temperature fluctuates like riding a roller coaster, especially in the north, and the temperature fluctuation in some areas exceeds 10℃. In addition, since today, most of the rain and snow in the south have shrunk, and the sunshine in Jiangnan and other places has returned one after another, but there are still many rainy and snowy weather in the western region.

  Cold air frequently disturbs temperature fluctuations and shocks, and the north-south trend is different.

  After entering the "Eighth Nine-Year Plan", the main theme of China’s weather is warming up. However, the "warming road" is not always smooth. When winter and spring alternate, cold air activities are still frequent, and the temperature often fluctuates.

  At present, there is a weak cold air that is affecting North China and Northeast China. There will be a new cold air coming tomorrow. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that from February 26th to March 1st, the temperature in Xinjiang, Northwest China, North China and Northeast China will drop by 4 ~ 8℃, and the local temperature drop will reach more than 10℃. Most of the above areas will have northerly winds of 4~6 and gusts of 7~9, and the wind in Shankou, Xinjiang will have 9~11 and gusts of 13. The cold air that will start tomorrow will have a wider impact, starting in Xinjiang on the 26th, in the northwest on the 27th and in the central and eastern regions on the 28th.

  These two cold air streams have a more significant impact on the north. In North China, Northeast China, Huanghuai and other places, in the next few days, the temperature trend will mostly fall first, then rise and then fall. Most of the high temperatures occur from 26th to 28th, and the temperature in many places will hit a new high this year. By then, not only the highest temperatures in North China, Huanghuai and other places can reach 15 C, but also the highest temperatures in southeastern Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Liaoning will exceed 10 C.

  In cities, such as Changchun and Shenyang, the highest temperature will reach 10℃ or above on the 27th, which is the first time this year to stand at the 10℃ mark. In cities with large temperature fluctuations, such as Lanzhou, the highest temperature can reach 16℃ on the 26th, and it will only be 7℃ on the 28th, and the cumulative cooling will be close to 10℃.

  In the south, the influence of cold air is relatively small, and the temperature fluctuation is not as good as that in the north. In the next few days, the temperature will become a general trend. It is expected that by the end of February, the highest temperature in many places in the south of the Yangtze River will approach or reach 20℃, and the warmth will return. At the same time, the temperature difference between day and night will also widen, and the temperature difference in many places will be above 10℃. The public should still do a good job of cold protection and warmth when they leave early and return late.

  From now on, the sunshine in Jiangnan and other places will return to the western region, and rain and snow are still frequent.

  Yesterday, as the cold air gradually moved south, the rain and snow in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River began to shrink. At the same time, there are also snowflakes falling in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and other places. Monitoring shows that from 08: 00 yesterday to 06: 00 today, there were small to medium snow or sleet in eastern Tibet, northwestern Sichuan, central and northern Shanxi, and heavy snow in Ganzi, Sichuan; Small to moderate rain occurred in southern Sichuan and southeastern Yunnan.

  From today, the sunshine in Jiangnan and other places will return one after another; From 26th to 27th, there will be a wide range of sunny days in central and eastern China. However, in the western region, rain and snow still appear from time to time.

  Today, there are small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northern Xinjiang, southern Sichuan Plateau, southeastern Gansu and southern Tibet. Among them, Tacheng, Altay and Ili Valley in northern Xinjiang have heavy snowstorms; There is light rain in parts of southeastern Tibet, southern Gansu, northeastern and southern Sichuan, and central and western Yunnan.

  Tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of mountainous areas in northern Xinjiang and western southern Xinjiang, southeastern Gansu, eastern and southern Tibet, and southern Qinghai, among which there will be heavy snow in eastern Tibet and other places; There are small to moderate rains in parts of central and western Yunnan, northwestern Sichuan Basin and southeastern Tibet.

  The day after tomorrow, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern Heilongjiang, southern and western mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang, eastern and northern Tibet, central and southern Qinghai, southern Gansu and western Sichuan Plateau, among which there will be heavy snow in parts of southeastern Tibet. Western and southern Sichuan Basin, western and northern Yunnan; There are small to moderate rains in parts of northern Guizhou and western Hubei.

  The meteorological department reminded that in the next three days, there will be intermittent rain and snow in eastern Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Chongqing, Guizhou and other places, occasionally sunny or cloudy, and the sunshine will not stay long. The public should pay close attention to the approaching forecast and prepare rain gear when going out; In case of slippery and icy roads, you should drive slowly and pay attention to traffic safety.

Attention! Working hours have changed this week.

Attention! Working hours have changed this week.

Unconsciously, the eight-day Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end.

While enjoying the holiday life, don’t forget that February 18th is a working day.

According to the Notice on Some Holiday Arrangements in 2024 issued by the General Office of the State Council, the Spring Festival will be suspended from February 10th to 17th, with a total of 8 days.

On February 18th (Sunday), I have to go to work!

That is to say, after the end of the 8-day holiday, you have to work for 6 days. Friends who usually set the working day alarm clock don’t forget to set the alarm clock to prevent being late!

Source: China Government Network, Micro Taizhou


After 95, a kiss between a female nurse and her boyfriend through the glass is the most beautiful look of love!

A photo touched countless people.
On February 4,
Chen Ying, a nurse in the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine.
Eleven days after entering the first battlefield of the isolation ward,
I finally met my boyfriend for the first time.
"Baby, I miss you so much."
"I miss you."
"I want to see your face. Are you better now?"
"Much better, also left a small wound."
"I want to hug."
"I also want to hug you."
"How to hug?I can’t hold it."
This is their first meeting in 11 days,
Kissing through the glass and wearing a mask,
Talking about each other’s deep thoughts.
After 95, the little nurse ushered in the first challenge of her career.
Chen Ying is a new post-95 nurse who just joined the post last year. Even if she doesn’t wear make-up, her face is plain, her hair is deformed by the isolation hat, and she still has the indentation of masks and goggles on her face, which can’t hide her delicate and pretty face.
Image source: qianjiang evening news
On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Chen Ying received a notice from the head nurse at home: She rushed back to the hospital for training, and the negative pressure ward will be started at any time!
At that time, she, her family and her boyfriend didn’t realize that there was a tough battle ahead of her. Chen Ying said: "At that time, the epidemic had begun to spread, but I was relatively young and thought I would not be sent to the front line, so I was still relaxed when I first went."
Results On the second day after the training, she and her colleagues entered a state of fighting, and rushed to the front line as the first nurses in the negative pressure ward to get in touch with the patients diagnosed in Covid-19.
Mother cried at home when she learned that, telling her not to be brave and not to take risks. But she said,"Since I chose this career, I must stand up at this time."
Postpone the wedding, and her boyfriend "accompanies" her to work every morning.
The task is far more arduous than Chen Ying imagined.
Every day, she wears heavy protective clothing to enter the negative pressure ward, not only to complete nursing work such as blood drawing and treatment, but also to be responsible for chores such as collecting garbage and sorting out materials. Masks and goggles will hurt your face every time you wear them for a long time, and will leave a deep red mark after you take them off. Often, after one night, the impression on the bridge of the nose still fails to fade, and I have to go to work again the next day. These days, she is going to put on hydrocolloid to see if she can relieve the pain.
Boyfriend Huang Qianrui used to pick her up and drop her off every day. No matter how busy he was, he must meet her. But now he chooses to silently support her behind him and accompany her in another way.
At about 2 am every day, Chen Ying has to go to work alone. The road from the hospital isolation dormitory to the inpatient building is not long, but it is silent at night. Every time she leaves, her heart is numb.
After the intimate boyfriend found out, he stayed up until 2 o’clock every night to video with her and accompanied her through this 5-minute journey.
"You know everything I said, and you know everything I didn’t say. This is the best tacit understanding between two people." Chen Ying and Huang Qianrui have known each other for more than a year. They first met with relatives intentionally or unintentionally, but they fell in love at first sight and soon got together. I originally planned to register with my boyfriend on Valentine’s Day this year, but the sudden epidemic disrupted their sweet plans.
But now they have a sweet agreement that when the epidemic is over and she comes out of the hospital, the first thing to do is to get a marriage certificate.
This is the best appearance of love.
Under the epidemic,
A touching love story between Chen Ying and her boyfriend,
Let many people move.
In fact, in the face of a sudden epidemic,
Many people like them.
Couples, even couples,
Give up reunion for the time being,
Into this battle.
"Excuse me, is that you?"
At 5 pm on February 4,
In the corridor of the isolation ward of Shaoxing People’s Hospital,
A medical couple met in protective clothing.
Through voice and eyes,
They recognized each other,
After they pointed their fingers at each other,
Hugged together,
Then they put themselves into their work.
All this took less than 20 seconds.
Before that,
They fought together in the front line of epidemic prevention,
I haven’t seen you for five days.
"If I am infected, my parents will take care of me."
In the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine,
Emergency doctor Zuo Zhongqiang and infectious disease doctor Li Mo.
They are a very sweet couple in the hospital.
The Covid-19 epidemic suddenly swept through,
Li Mo insisted that he was an infectious disease doctor.
More professional, can play a greater role in the front line of anti-epidemic,
Insist on "going into battle" by yourself,
Let him stay in the emergency room and stick to his post.
"If anything happens to me,
You can also help me take care of my parents. "
Li Mo whispered this sentence,
For Zuo Zhongqiang, it is more insomnia than coffee.
I have confirmed that my eyes are the people I love!
On February 3, the epidemic prevention point in Sihong County, Suqian, Jiangsu Province,
A couple fighting the epidemic together,
Meet unexpectedly here.
Haven’t seen each other for 10 days,
The two men embraced each other excitedly.
This is the best appearance of love.
China Youth Daily (ID: zqbcyol finishing: Zhang Xiaosong internship Yang Limin Wei Qirui) integrates qianjiang evening news (reporter Zhang Bingqing, Yang Zichen correspondent Jin Nanxing), Xinhua Viewpoint, Zhejiang University, etc.
Everyone is searching.
Dead kiss moved a generation to kiss with a mask.


Running croissants

I was in tears when I saw it … The best truth should be like this! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, my motherland! !




Chenghongfang 8L

I also shed tears, come on, front-line medical staff, you are the most respected people in the whole country. ……




Fn_ polyester

Pay tribute to those who have dedicated themselves! The cow is full of faces!




All three replies

Wei Wei of the sea

When I am old, I cry in a big mess. If you survive this, you must cherish the rest of your life.









Chenghongfang 8L

treasure ……





I’m so touched. This is love that has experienced life and death, true love.









Xu Hanmei 7M

This is the most beautiful appearance of love, pay tribute!




Zhanhongxuan 94

Love is not only a love affair, but also an encouraging word and a trusting look …




Nvxiansheng collection

Fruit tree worker, lover in cultural field.





Xiao Xiong a mo

I’m thirty-one years old, nearly one meter eight, almost 190 pounds, and I’m the father of two children. I thought tears were long gone, and when I saw this article, my eyes shed tears.




Take your time w

The most beautiful love in the world is nothing more than this, enviable and touching!




Zhanhongxuan 94




Pigeon 9999000

Thank you! Thank you!





Watch and cry! This is the selfless dedication to the people! Sincere and touching




Mu yi you nan qi

You and I have a common responsibility and a noble soul, and the most beautiful love is probably like this!




Guhong 620

Tears in my eyes! A greeting at this moment is the most touching poem! A hug is a feeling of fire! The kiss through the window melts the cold heart! Bless you! Lovers grow old together!




What did Kaka say?

Ordinary people are doing extraordinary things. . . You must be well, because the person you love most is still waiting for you. . .

































































Welcome to China Lunar New Year, many countries issue stamps of Year of the Ox and Zodiac.

  CCTV News:With the arrival of the Year of the Ox, many overseas countries and regions issued the 2021 Year of the Ox Zodiac stamps.

  Let’s start with Japan, a neighboring country in Asia. On October 29th, 2020, Japan Post issued a set of two stamps for the Year of the Ox in 2021, which were the works of Kawasaki Juquan, a Japanese native toy painter. This set of stamps continues the design style of the Year of the Rat Zodiac stamps, with the theme of clay cow toys in Shiga Prefecture and clay cow ornaments in Nagano Zenkokuji Temple, which looks quite childlike.

  On December 1, 2020, South Korea’s postal department issued two stamps of the Year of the Ox, with a cute and playful cow blinking. It carries a blessing bag symbolizing good luck and wealth; The other is a pair of mother and son cows. Mother is looking down at the calf lovingly. Korea Post hopes that everyone can be bathed in the glory of family in the Year of the Ox.

  The Zodiac stamps issued by New Zealand Post in Oceania contain a set of four stamps of the Lunar New Year of the Ox and a souvenir sheet. This set of Zodiac stamps has a strong Chinese New Year painting style. Of the four stamps, two are red and two are blue, and four different scenes are created with classic New Year dolls and cows as elements. The colors are red and blue, just like a group of "Chinese New Year pictures", symbolizing happiness, wealth, freedom and peace.

  The Year of the Ox stamp issued by Liechtenstein Post is based on China Red, which symbolizes good luck. The whole page is in the shape of a golden bull, which sets off the atmosphere of welcoming the Spring Festival. The paper-cut zodiac cow on the stamp looks ahead, surrounded by blooming flowers, and seems to be praying for good weather in the coming year.

  The lunar New Year of the Ox stamp issued by France Post contains two sheetlets. The stamp depicts a boy with plum blossoms riding on the back of a bull with big red flowers. The other picture shows a big bull with its head held high, full of energy.

  On December 8, 2020, the United Kingdom issued the first edition of personalized stamps for the Year of the Ox, with 20 stamps printed on the fireworks stamps. Among them, the main ticket is designed with fireworks, while the auxiliary ticket is composed of the zodiac design with five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and photos of China New Year celebrations and Chinatown decorations in five British cities, namely, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Swansea, London and Belfast.

  The United Nations Postal Service issued a personalized edition for the Year of the Ox in China. On the left is the blue emblem of the United Nations, and on the right is a lively and lovely calf. It is understood that in May, 2010, the United Nations Postal Administration first issued a stamp featuring the China Zodiac, and this year’s "Niu Piao" just made up 12 Zodiacs.

  In addition, countries such as the United States, Singapore, Australia and Armenia have also issued stamps on the Year of the Ox. Although each square inch has its own merits, the cows on the stamps of Chinese Zodiac in various countries are full of festive atmosphere, which fully expresses the deep blessings of countries all over the world for the Year of the Ox in China, and also fully reflects the world’s concern for China culture. At the same time, the spread of Chinese culture and the blending of cultures of all ethnic groups in the world have also been reflected and promoted through this small stamp.

[Fortune Story] Billiards King and His golden couple


  New concept of wealth, creating new wealth. Hello, I’m Wang Kai. In the winter of 2001, in an apartment in panggezhuang, Daxing District, there was a middle-aged man in his fifties who had not slept for more than half a month. No matter day or night, this man is mumbling, looking in a trance, and he is about to have a nervous breakdown.


  This middle-aged man who is troubled by insomnia is called Gan Lianfang. He is the chairman of the largest billiard table manufacturer in China.

  In the same period: Gan Lianfang, Chairman of Beijing Xingpai Group

  It’s just that the quilt and mattress are all wet, that is, I suddenly break out in sweat and sweat, and I can’t sleep at one or two o’clock or two or three o’clock. I can’t sleep when I walk upstairs and downstairs, and my head hurts when I fall asleep.

  In the same period: Gan Lianfang, Chairman of Beijing Xingpai Group

  The worst time, I watched TV and talked about the wave guide mobile phone and the fighter in the mobile phone. That’s what I talked about. I kept talking about it the night before until I didn’t sleep all night the next morning. I said it was broken and I was mentally ill. Go and see it quickly.


  Gan Lianfang did not eat less medicine prescribed by the hospital for insomnia, but his condition did not relieve at all. As a last resort, under the introduction of friends, he even began to take drugs to treat mental illness.

  In the same period: Gan Lianfang, Chairman of Beijing Xingpai Group

  I slept after taking a pill, and slept all night. I ate it for more than half a month, and then I said stop taking it. I was addicted and couldn’t stand it without it.


  You see, this is the first time I’ve heard that the medicine prescribed by the hospital doesn’t matter, and it’s only effective to take the medicine for treating mental illness. What is it that makes China’s "Billiards King" such a mess? We have to start from the beginning.


  Gan Lianfang was originally a farmer in the suburb of Daxing, Beijing. Since 1988, he started the business of producing billiard tables with his family from scratch. In the middle and late 1990s, his billiards table established a monopoly position in the domestic market. Almost all billiards competitions in China are sponsored by his enterprise.

  During the same period: Ding Junhui player

  Before I became famous, I often heard that they held big competitions, as well as world-class competitions and national competitions.


  However, after more than ten years of rapid development, Gan Lianfang’s billiards career began to enter a trough.

  During the same period: Fan Rongjian, Vice President of Beijing Star Brand Group

  I have been the leader for several years, so in this case, the whole industry is in the open, and many enterprises are starting to copy our products. Just around Daxing, there are dozens around Hebei.

  In the same period: Gan Lianfang, Chairman of Beijing Xingpai Group

  In 1996 and 1997, we should have made a profit of 15 million yuan, but by 1998, we were basically flat and had no profit, and by 1999, we should be in a state of loss.


  Due to the low technical threshold for the production of billiard tables, the billiard tables produced by Gan Lianfang were hit by counterfeit products, and the national billiard market shrank, and the annual loss of Gan Lianfang actually reached 5 million.

  In the same period: Gan Lianfang, Chairman of Beijing Xingpai Group

  If we don’t increase its publicity expenses, update our equipment and invest in scientific research in time, the billiards will shrink. If it shrinks, it should, I’m not exaggerating, die and disappear.


  Gan Lianfang’s billiards career has reached a crossroads. Whether to go or stay, Gan Lianfang faces a painful choice. Maybe there are too many unsatisfactory things in business, but seeing the new people in the domestic billiards field coming forth in large numbers, Gan Lianfang feels that he can’t give up the billiards business that has dug up the first bucket of gold for him.

Tragedy of teenagers drowning in summer wild swimming is frequent. Experts urge to build a water safety net.

  □ Our reporter Zhao Li

  □ Our trainee reporter Sun Tianjiao

  "All four boys drowned, and the cries of their families resounded through the whole mountain forest."

  Lao Yang, the captain of a blue sky rescue team in Jiangxi, still remembers a teenager drowning accident. That summer vacation, several primary school students went to play by the reservoir far away from the city. One of them accidentally slipped while washing his hands by the reservoir. The other three rushed to pull him, but they didn’t pull him, and all four fell into the water. Lao Yang and others rushed to the scene after receiving the report, which was close to 12 o’clock in the middle of the night.

  The tragedy of teenagers drowning in summer has been staged frequently in recent years. According to the statistics of public reports, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found that there have been dozens of drowning incidents among teenagers since June this year.

  According to the data released by China CDC in 2021, drowning is the first killer of accidental death of primary and secondary school students. Every year, more than 80% of young people drown in open water.

  A number of industry insiders interviewed by reporters analyzed that the water temperature in these waters is usually lower than one meter, and people are prone to cramping and losing control in the water. In addition, aquatic plants, garbage bags, ropes and branches at the bottom of the water are all "invisible killers". Once people are entangled, it is difficult to get away and lead to drowning. It is suggested to speed up the construction of an all-round and multi-angle drowning prevention mechanism and work together to build a "safety net" in waters.

  Wild swimming has hidden risks

  Frequent drowning accidents

  On July 7, a child drowning accident occurred in the urban area of Hezuo City, Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province, and five people had no vital signs after being rescued. On July 4, several teenagers in Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province were swimming by the river, and the two lost contact in drowning; On July 3, a 10-year-old boy from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province fell into the water and unfortunately drowned … …

  In just one week, several incidents of drowning and drowning of teenagers occurred in many places, which was distressing.

  It is worth noting that the reporter found out that most of these drowning incidents occurred in open waters in the wild, and some even occurred in waters where swimming was explicitly prohibited.

  Su Shaojun, head of the search and rescue team of Shanxi Blue Sky Rescue Team, has participated in two drowning rescue operations this year, all of which resulted in the drowning of teenagers swimming in waters where swimming is prohibited. In his view, some teenagers are "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers" and have blind confidence in their swimming level. Even if parents repeatedly tell them to pay attention to safety, they should go against their parents out of rebellious psychology. In addition, there is a lack of awareness of the risk of unknown waters, which is equivalent to the still water of swimming pools. When encountering unexpected situations after launching, people panic and increase the risk of drowning.

  Sun Minjie, deputy head of the Water Rescue Team of Shanxi Blue Sky Rescue Team, has participated in hundreds of water rescue operations. According to him, if there is drowning, 95% of the drowning people have lost their vital signs when rescuers arrive at the scene, and there are few survivors. "The probability of drowning people living is very small."

  "Ordinary people will basically lose consciousness when they are in the water for more than 10 minutes, and the falling point often occurs in some unknown rivers and lakes in the suburbs. It will take some time for rescuers to get to the scene. Fortunately, drowning was successfully rescued within 5 minutes, but there is still a 70% probability of irreversible brain damage. " Wang Yue, captain of Binhe Road Fire Rescue Station of Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment, Shanxi Province, told the reporter that his team successfully rescued the drowning people only twice, or because they happened to be practicing in the nearby waters, and someone rescued them in time after calling the police.

  A number of interviewed industry insiders said that swimming in unknown waters may also encounter whirlpool, which requires superb swimming skills to break free, but most young people who swim wild have not received professional training. In addition, the soil condition on the shore of the water area without control is complicated, and a large number of pedestrians will easily fall into the water after forming soft bunkers, while the water temperature below one meter in the wild waters is low, which will easily lead to the drowning person cramping and losing control of his body. Moreover, the underwater situation of wild waters is unknown, and aquatic plants, garbage bags, ropes and branches are all "invisible killers", so it is difficult for drowning people to break free once they are entangled.

  Su Shaojun was deeply impressed by a rescue. A primary school class organized students and parents to attend a bonfire party by the reservoir, during which a football fell into the reservoir, and a student went into the water to pick it up, but it happened to be at the reservoir dam. The reservoir on the mountain was releasing water, and the water flow was extremely fast. As soon as the student got into the water, it was immediately washed away, and the sediment, weeds and other debris at the bottom of the water entangled it and could not surface. Rescuers use sonar to detect underwater, but sonar only displays pictures of debris when it encounters aquatic plants and other debris during detection, which is extremely difficult to search and rescue. Finally, the students who died were salvaged ashore on the 8 th day.

  Multi-measures to prevent drowning

  Be wary of managing blind spots

  The danger of drowning and the extremely low survival rate make it very important to prevent wild swimming and launching without permission. In recent years, in order to prevent drowning in summer, not only warning signs have been set up, but also propaganda and patrol supervision have been strengthened, and early warning and reward systems have been introduced one after another.

  For example, education department of guangxi collated the data of drowning incidents in the whole region for many years, established a database of drowning risk points for primary and middle school students in Guangxi, formed a warning map of drowning risk points for primary and middle school students in Guangxi, and announced it to the public.

  The Education and Sports Bureau of Meishan City, Sichuan Province issued the system of "Early Warning Reward for Private Launching". If it is verified, 100 yuan, the first early warning person, will be given a prepaid phone fee reward. All the primary school students involved in the early warning who are verified to be true will be disqualified and included in the comprehensive quality evaluation files of primary and secondary school students.

  According to Kou Liping, a professor at the School of Public Security of the People’s Public Security University of China and director of the Public Security Emergency Police Teaching and Research Section, the greatest significance of linking prevention of drowning with rewards and punishments is to mobilize the whole society to participate in the prevention of juvenile drowning through rewards, so as to form a general environment for the whole society to jointly prevent juvenile drowning, strengthen supervision on the social level of juvenile safety, and weave a dense social prevention and control network.

  "The drowning prevention education for young people is also advancing with the times." Su Shaojun said that in the past, people were always reminded to pay attention to prevention, not to go to the water and not to swim in the wild. Now they have joined the education and training on the knowledge of calling for help and rescue. In addition, a content is specially added for teenagers, that is, if a companion falls into the water, don’t panic or be afraid, reduce the risk to a controllable range, call the police in time, and don’t run home and miss the rescue opportunity for fear of being severely criticized.

  However, while taking measures to strengthen prevention, rescuers and experts are also concerned about the blind spot of adolescent drowning prevention and control.

  Su Shaojun, for example, said that when the waters are wide and long, even if more managers are added, the phenomenon of swimming in the forbidden waters cannot be eliminated. Managers can only advise and have no right to forcibly stop or expel them. And some remote waters just put up warning signs, which can’t play a strong binding role. Many schools also do not have the ability to train swimming skills.

  In addition, he is also concerned that parental supervision, as a key link to prevent children from drowning, is often "off the chain", and there is a certain gap between the "pay attention to safety" that parents often exhort and the "pay attention to safety" that children can understand and accept. In fact, it is difficult for children to fully realize where the danger is.

  Kou Liping also pointed out that at present, the level of youth safety education is generally weak, schools, society and families have not formed an effective and intuitive publicity and education system, and many safety education are superficial and formal. In addition, the lack of safe hydrophilic environment and summer conditions, and the lack of summer entertainment activities that can attract young people have also caused many young people to choose wild swimming and have an accident.

  Close combination of plugging and dredging

  Prevent drowning

  So, how should we build an all-round and multi-angle drowning prevention mechanism?

  According to Chen Meng, a member of china law society Administrative Law Research Association and director of the Professional Committee of Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law of Beijing Lawyers Association, preventing teenagers from drowning depends on both "blocking" and "dredging". "Sparse" should focus on the causes of drowning, and take corresponding measures from four aspects: family education, school education, lack of social management responsibility and government administrative planning’s lack of attention to the construction of safe waters in economically underdeveloped areas along the Yangtze River, rivers and seas.

  "Parents or other guardians of minors should enhance the legal responsibilities of guardians and raise their awareness of outdoor safety protection. The school’s safety education class can’t be a mere formality. It should be equipped with professional swimming coaches to teach students life safety rescue knowledge and swimming skills. " Chen Meng said.

  Chen Meng also mentioned that residents’ committees and villagers’ committees should assist the relevant government departments to supervise the care entrusted by minors. If they find that the entrusted person lacks care ability and is lazy in performing care duties, they should report to the relevant government departments in time and inform the parents or other guardians of minors to help and urge the entrusted person to perform care duties. At the same time, people’s governments at all levels should create conditions to establish and improve venues and facilities suitable for minors’ cultural life.

  Kou Liping suggested establishing a systematic youth safety education system, scientifically evaluating the risks that teenagers may face, introducing standards for safety education for minors, and exploring safety education methods that meet the psychological and behavioral characteristics of teenagers. We will promote the summer planning of teenagers with multiple interactions among family, school and society, so as to ensure that the summer vacation is arranged and safe.

  Regarding the protection measures for water areas, Kou Liping believes that physical defense is mainly used to prevent teenagers from entering the water unattended or slipping into the water due to playing near the water, such as setting isolation railings, buffer belts and warning signs. It is also possible to conduct full coverage prevention and control, real-time monitoring and dynamic early warning of the waters through personnel patrols and drone patrols, so as to prevent young people from entering the waters at the first time.

  If an accident does happen, accidentally falling into the water or drowning while swimming, Wang Yue said, first of all, try to stay calm and try to make your face face up; Don’t stretch your hands and arms to the top of your head, because it is easier to cause your body to fall down with your arms up, just put them on your sides. Keep a stable breathing frequency, shallow breathing and deep breathing, so as to increase your buoyancy and wait for rescue.

  "We should tell minors not to organize rescue by themselves when they find their companions falling into the water, because they don’t have the rescue ability, and don’t take the hand-in-hand rescue method. Once this step-by-step rescue method fails, it is easy for everyone to fall. Seek the help of the adults around you for the first time and call the police in time." Wang Yue said.

From 8: 00 on September 22, you can check the results of the 2023 law exam.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 21st (Reporter Bai Yang) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Justice on the 21st that the results of the objective examination of national unified legal professional qualification in 2023 will be announced on September 22nd. Candidates can check their scores through official website of the Ministry of Justice, WeChat official account of WeChat of the Ministry of Justice and WeChat official account of Pufa WeChat of China from 8: 00 on the 22nd, and log in to official website of the Ministry of Justice to print their own scores notice.

  According to the announcement issued by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Justice, in consultation with the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and other departments, has determined the qualified score line of the national unified legal professional qualification objective examination in 2023. The national unified qualified score line is 180 points. The relaxed regional qualified score line is divided into three grades, of which Xizang Autonomous Region relaxes the qualified score line to 140 points; Tibet-related counties in Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and Gansu provinces, four prefectures in southern Xinjiang, Liangshan Prefecture in Sichuan, Nujiang Prefecture in Yunnan and Linxia Prefecture in Gansu, as well as the national rural revitalization key help counties, relaxed the qualified score line to 150 points; Other provisions of the relaxation area to relax the qualified score is 160 points.

  Those who retain valid scores in the objective test in 2022 and those who pass the objective test in 2023 should log in to the official website of the Ministry of Justice within the prescribed time limit to confirm their participation in the subjective test and pay the examination fee. Those who take the subjective examination can log in to official website of the Ministry of Justice from October 10th to 14th, 2023 and print the admission ticket by themselves. The subjective test time is October 15, 2023, and the test time is 240 minutes.